2nd Thematic Discussion


Date: 2019.03.20

Aim: to bring together key players in the tourism sector in Portugal, from academia, industry and public sector, to discuss the role of soft skills in the tourism education context, at different levels, namely high education level and vocational level, and the challenges for employability. It was also an objective, to discuss how to address the apparent gap between what soft skills are being taught in the tourism curricula at higher educational institutions in terms of soft skills, and the requirements of the tourism industry.

Keynote Speakers: António Marto (from Fórum Turismo), ambassador of the project; Mafalda Soveral (Human Resources Manager of Pestana Group); Nuno Silva (from AMPLIA); Madalena Dinis (From Hotel Fábrica do Chocolate); Patrícia Labandeiro (from DESPERTAR), an expert on psychology and human resources recruitment and training.

Audience: The Operational Committee (associated partners, PPLL Consult and CEVAL); Students and some professors of the Degree in Tourism and the Master in Tourism, Innovation and Development of the IPVC; Companies in the Tourism sector; “Cimeira IPVC” visitors; Press;

Location: Cultural Centre of Viana do Castelo - Portugal.